



  • 標題:CRETA Special Event 01_Dr. Chi-fu Huang 黃奇輔博士 (April 26, 2013)
  • 公告日期:2013-03-28


台大計量理論與應用研究中心 (CRETA),台大財務金融學系,台灣經濟計量學會很榮幸於4 26 () 邀請到臺灣在國際財金學界與華爾街的傳奇人物

Dr. Chi-fu Huang (黃奇輔博士)

至本中心訪問,並於 CRETA Special Event 01 進行專題演講。

*日期:2013 4 26 () 下午 2:00~3:30

*地點:台灣大學管理學院二號館3F 305 教室 (請注意教室有更動)

*演講主題From Theory to Practice: A Thirty-Year Journey


Dr. Chi-fu Huang (黃奇輔博士) is the co-author, with R. Litzenberger, of Foundations for Financial Economics, a distinguished textbook for economics and finance graduate students. He is also a founder and the Non-Executive Chairman of Platinum Grove Asset Management L.P. (PGAM), an investment management company based in New York. He was a full professor and held the J.C. Penney Professorship in finance when he left MIT in the summer of 1994.

Dr. Huang has made major contributions to the theory of financial economics, and has written on dynamic general equilibrium theory, intertemporal utility theory, and the theory of individual consumption and portfolio decisions. His research articles have been published in several prestigious journals, such as Econometrica, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and Review of Financial Studies.

關於 Dr. Huang 更多的介紹,請參考網頁 Dr. Chi-fu Huang


歡迎大家踴躍報名參加。欲參加者,請於 4 22 () 中午前 CRETA 網站線上報名http://www.creta.org.tw/events/view/61。台灣大學在學學生及現任教職員和台灣經濟計量學會會員為免費參加,其他參加者報名費為 NT$600 (當天將開放現場繳交台灣經濟計量學會 2013 年年度會費)


為了讓國內的學者及學生有更多機會與 Dr. Huang 進行交流,特別訂於 4 26 () 下午四點半到五點半進行 office hours。有興趣的老師與學生請先 e-mail CRETA ntucreta@ntu.edu.twCRETA 將代為安排時間,謝謝。
